Once upon a time, a family of giants lived upon the high mountains in the West.
One day the mother giant was called away from home.
Excerpt from the publication: Nature myths and stories for little children – by Cooke, Flora J. (Flora Juliette), 1864-1953 / Publication date [c1895] / Publisher: A. Flanagan – Chicago
She arose early in the morning and made ready the bread and butter for the little giants to eat while she was gone.
When she had finished her work it was not yet time to start upon her journey.
She said to herself,
“My children are the best children in the world and they shall have a treat. I have many plums left from the Christmas feast. I will make them a plum pudding for a surprise.
The good woman brought together the plums which it had taken her many days to prepare with the help of all her children. Indeed she had emptied several mountain lakes to get water enough to wash them all.
She now mixed these wonderful plums into a pudding and put it into an oven to bake.
The mixing took so long that she had to hurry, and she quite forgot to say anything about the pudding to the little giants.
She had intended to tell them about it just before she left them.
It was afternoon when the giant children found the pudding.
It was badly burned upon the top by that time.
They had already eaten the bread and butter and were not hungry.
One little giant said to the others,
” Let us make balls of the pudding and see who can throw the farthest.”
You know that giants are very strong, and away went the pudding up into the air.
The little giants made little balls and the older giants threw pieces as big as a house.
Many pieces went over the mountains and fell down into the valley beyond.
Indeed this wonderful pudding was scattered for miles over the whole land, for the giants did not stop throwing as long as there was any pudding left in the pan.
When the sun had shone upon it many days and dried and hardened it, people called it pudding stone.
You may find it to-day thrown all over the land, full of the plums which the good woman washed with the waters of many lakes.